2.1.0 confirmed! The final (for now) update

Guess who found not only a game breaking bug, but also several typos and issues?

Main of it is, I was already planning on doing 2.1.0 but now I REALLY need to. At the release of this update, no more hiding, you are gonna know which achievements you can unlock,  how to get the true ending (which is currently unavailable now because of the game breaking bug mentioned), the chance to change your controls at least a tiny bit, and perhaps just slight balance changes. 

Content wise ? Expect only a few things...

  • More possible dialogues lines
  • New cosmetics(ish)
  • 5th super ultra secret archive
  • 5th ultra super secret boss

What I do for the love of fans...

Normally currently game shouldn't break UNLESS you try a run getting all archives, hitless, and under the expected time limit. Which is really hard so I believe you can all hold yourself on that one until the update.

On that note, see you in a bit for 2.1.0!

Get A Beginner's Quest

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